Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week 5

My LT Search Box is in my previous post, I would move it to this blog but I wasn't quite sure of how to delete posts on Blogspot.

I really like Library Thing because its so easy to use and is very useful! I was suprised that the correct authors name came up straight after I searched a book title, making it easier for me as a LT user. As an assistant at the library, this site can be very handy. If a patron is asking for me to recommend them a book, I could recommend this site so then they could see what everyone else is reading. Obviously, I'd recommend books I've read also but if their taste is different to mine this site would work well to help them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Magnolia
    Well done at having alook at Library thing!! :-)Don't forget to do Twitter 10. Find out how to tweet using twitter.
